The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom

Artificial Intelligence + Harry Potter = ???

January 22, 2023 Sound Owl Media Episode 165
The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom
Artificial Intelligence + Harry Potter = ???
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode, we explore AI combined with Harry Potter. Enjoy!

·      There have new developments in the world of AI recently, involving tools such as ChatGPT. In this episode, we are going to be asking ChatGPT questions about Harry Potter and seeing if it can answer the question. 

·      Challenge question: What boat company did Newt use to get back to London at the end of Fantastic Beasts? Answer: The Royal Star Steam Company.

·       5:06 Is Harry Potter a good person? ChatGPT: “Harry Potter is a fictional character and it is ultimately up to the reader whether they consider him to be a good person or not.” 

·      9:55 What could the story of Harry Potter have done better? 

        1.)    Develop secondary characters more. 

        2.)    Address racial prejudice more directly

        3.)    Explore the aftermath of the war more

        4.)    Address the consequences of magic

        5.)    Show more diversity in the wizarding world

        6.)    Show more of the Ministry of Magic

        7.)    Show more of the muggle world

        8.)    Had a more satisfying ending

·      17:02 What could Harry Potter the character have done better in the story? 

1.)          Communicating with his friends and allies.

2.)          Trusting in his own abilities

3.)          Not being so reckless

4.)          Being more forgiving

5.)          Seeking help when needed

·      27:43 Give me an outline for a potential 8th Harry Potter book please.

“The book would begin with Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron all being in their late thirties and living their own lives. The book would follow Harry as he is drawn back into the wizarding world when a new threat emerges. Harry would then seek help from his friends and allies, including Hermione and Ron, who would help him investigate this new threat. As they investigate, Harry and his friends would uncover a dark secret about the organization and its true purpose. They would also learn that the organization has been recruiting young witches and wizards, and Harry would have to stop them from doing so. Along the way, Harry would have to face his own demons, including his past and his feelings of guilt and regret about hie role in the previous war. The final showdown would take place at Hogwarts where Harry and his friends would have to face off against the organization and its leader. The book would end with Harry and his friends finally defeating the organization and bringing peace to the wizarding world again.

·      31:17 Tell me a Harry Potter joke. Here’s the best we got: Why did the Death Eater cross the road? To get to the dark side!

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Welcome to the Potter discussion.

Welcome back to the Potter discussion discussing Harry Potter fantastic beast who is near world fandom. I'm your host, Oscar and this is episode 164. Thank you all for joining me today on this lovely day. It is, of course a pleasure to be recording to you, as always. So today's topic has been a recent development, a widespread phenomenon in the recent months, and that is AI. There have been some pretty exciting developments in the world of AI recently and I thought that it would be a very fun episode to use AI and delve into the world of Harry Potter, with the help of Chat GPT. Of course. If you have not heard of Chatted GPT, it is a Chat bot kind of software where you can type in something to a search bar. You can ask a question, you can ask for anything, well, just about anything, and it'll generate you a response. That response is based off of tons of things that have been published in the past and a lot of different books and articles and a bunch of stuff online. And that AI bot basically brings it all together and develops this new answer for you. And it is a really fascinating tool. Of course, that will be the very first link in the show notes if you want to play with it, which absolutely I would recommend. It is a really, really fun thing and it is quite popular at the moment. So if you cannot get in just right now, when I was opening it up to start recording today, it said they're at capacity, but if one person leaves, you can get in. So just be refreshing. Maybe within a minute or two you should be able to get in if it's not really raging packed. So very popular, very exciting, and I am very excited to try this out. Basically, what I'm thinking of doing today is asking a bunch of questions that of course are not yes or no questions to the bots and seeing if it can produce an answer and if it can, reading that answer at freeWell, because I really want to see the AI bots take on Harry Potter as a whole. So I am very excited for today's episode. There are a few things that I would like to get out of the way before we do get into today's episode. First and foremost, we have the challenge question. If you heard yesterday, last week's episode, you will know that it was a quiz, a Master episode. Quiz master Newt Scamander. And in every Quiz Master, there's of course a challenge question. And right now, as promised, I will be answering that challenge question. So here was the challenge question asked last week. What boat company does Newt use to get back to London at the end of Fantastic Beasts? What boat company does Newt use to get back to London? Now, this was a very difficult challenge question. You had to have a keen eye. You have to maybe rewatch the film, but I'll be at the end of it, and hopefully you have your answer. If you do not, then thank you for listening to that episode anyway. But for those of you who did prepare an answer, I'm about to reveal the answer to the challenge question. So the boat company that Newt used to get back to London was the Royal Star Steam Company. The Royal Star Steam Company. And that was printed on the side of the walkway going up from the dock to the boat if you did not catch that, the Royal Star Steam Company. So thank you for everyone who's participated in that. But let's get into today's episode. Okay, so basically what I'm thinking of doing today is on the air typing in some questions for this AI, and I am very excited to see what it has as an answer, because I think what things have been public, I think we can certainly guess what the answer itself might be. But I'm curious to see how it phrases some of these answers and where it gets this information from. But there are someone here that I have no idea what's going to happen, and I'm going to be typing these in live. So this is not planned at all. I have no idea what I'm doing right now. I'm looking at a split screen of my recording software and Chat GPT, and I'm ready to go. It is up and running. So I figured let's just get straight into this. So the very first thing I want to ask Chat GPT is, is Harry Potter a good person? This is something that I am very curious about because of course, the answer is going to be, of course he's amazing, but I want to see what traits, specifically Chad GPT points out, because, of course, Harry has a lot of flaws as well. So I'm wondering if it'll phrase him as a flawed person who came over his struggles or someone who is an all around good person. Let's just type that one in. A good person. There we go. It is entering. It is now thinking about it. All right. I'm excited for this. This is so bizarre that I've been asking AI about fictional characters. This is definitely strange. All right, it's generating right now. Okay, let's see. Okay, this is the answer. Harry Potter is a fictional character and is ultimately up to the interpretation of the reader, whether they consider him to be a good person or not. However, throughout the Harry Potter series, he is portrayed as a brave and selfless character who is willing to make sacrifices for the greater good and protect those he cares about. Okay, that is interesting. That is very interesting. And I have a feeling they got some of this information from perhaps some Fantastic Beasts articles, because the phrase that really jumped out to me was he is portrayed as a brave and selfless character who was willing to make sacrifices. Listen to this. For the greater good and to protect those he cares about. For the greater good. Does that sound familiar? Does that phrase sound familiar to anyone? Does Grindelwald come to mind whenever you think of that? That is weird. So I guess Grindelwald as some kind of article about Grindelwald maybe got mixed up in there or it just happened to be like that. But that is very strange. I think what Chat GBT is throwing into the limelight here is the difference between Grindelwald and Harry. Because obviously they're completely different people, but their idea of making sacrifices and their idea of what is good and what is bad is, I mean, totally different. And that is the main reason what sets them apart and why Grindelwald is a villain and why Harry is a hero for the most part. And I think that is definitely one of the things that these AI bots are good for because they are good at being completely non committed to any side. They aren't biased towards liking Harry or biased towards liking a Voldemort's like character. They are just gauging what the climate is of that particular character. And of course, if I type in if if I placed Harry Potter with Voldemort, is Voldemort a good person? The answer would, in a second, in a snap, be, no. He's horrible because that's exactly what everyone else is saying. And I'm sure there's an article about how Voldemort is actually just broken and he deserves a second chance. But the noise of evil, evil, evil will absolutely drown out anything anyone has to say about worldwide being even somewhat of a redeemable character. So that's something that I find very fascinating about these things because it is such a predictable thing, because it is exactly what everyone else is saying. But it is such a fascinating experiment to be putting in these questions that they don't have a yes or no answer and seeing really how these AIS are putting them into perspective. And I think this particular answer is quite clever because it is saying yes and no. But here's what other people are saying, it's not saying I think this and that is the answer. And I think that is really kind of defeats the point of the bot itself because if we're asking these questions about things like harry and voldemort and character and very layered elements of the story, it is extremely difficult to put one word answers on any of these questions that we could ask that go even a little bit deeper into these characters. So if I put in a question like what is Harry's best trait or what could Harry have done differently? That is such an impossible question to answer for an AI bot because there's so many different answers and that's exactly the kind of question that's impossible, actually. I am going to do that right now I'm going to say what could Harry have done to be a better person? Okay. It's thinking right now I put in what could Harry Potter have done better? Okay, well it's giving me descriptions of what the book itself could have done better. But actually these are pretty accurate things and I think this is definitely what the community is saying. So I figured might as well read this. We shouldn't dive too deep into because I do want to see what could Harry Potter the character have done better in the story. That's what I'll revise it to. But here's what the AI says about what the books could have done better. Number one develop secondary characters more. Some characters such as Neville Longblood are not giving enough attention and developments throughout this series. I would tend to agree with that in most examples but I think the particular example that they gave was actually I think probably one of the secondary characters that was developed more especially in the books with his parents and eventually defeating Grindelwal, the Negine. And this is just going, this is going and going, all right, I'm going to stop this in a SEC. But all right. It gave eight reasons. So secondary characters absolutely agree for the most part. Never, maybe not so much. Two is absolutely true. Addressed racism and prejudice more directly. The books touch on the issues of racism and prejudice but they could have delved deeper into these themes and shown more of the negative consequences of discrimination. Yes, absolutely. I think this definitely touched on a point that is perhaps one of the weaker points of Harry Potter. There was not a lot of different racial variety in the films. I think that's something that we saw and in the books too. Perhaps there could have been more of a of a stress on those who were perhaps not of 100% British heritage. So I think definitely a lot lots of work to do in that department. So I think that is definitely correct. Number three explore the aftermath of the war more. That is interesting. The series ends with the defeat of Voldemort and the rebuilding of Hogwarts but it could have shown more of the long term effects of the war on the wizarding world and its inhabitants. That is good. Now that's what I actually haven't heard before. So I am on board with that one. That is definitely a new one. So more of the war, more of the aftermath. That is amazing. That is something that I would love to see and I think that's kind of the cursed child. So I think if like if another book were to come out that was kind of along that same theme of the cursed child I would love to read it but I'm like because the cursed child is like years and years after the war. But if it was like they fade out with Harry Ron from staying on the bridge and they fade in and they're like walking back into the great hall. That's the kind of thing I would love to see. So that's something I definitely agree with. And four address the consequences of magic. The series often shows the positive aspects of magic but it could have delved into the negative consequences of its use such as the impact of dark magic on the mind and body. That is definitely something that I would love to see. I think we do get a little bit of that with, like, Horcruxes and Bardi crouch and of course, Baldworth and grindelwald. But I would definitely love to see more of like when you use a negative curse and does it affect you in some way or when you do something so horrible, do you receive some of the consequences? It's using the words delved and consequences quite a bit and moving on from that. Number five okay, this is similar to the previous one shown more diversity in the wizarding world. The series mainly focuses on white British wizards but it could have shown more representation of other cultures and ethnicities in the wizard world. That's exactly what I just said. So thank you Jack GBD for your agreement. And six showed more of the Ministry of Magic. The series mainly focuses on Hogwarts and the Order of the Phoenix but it could have explored more of the inner working for the Ministry of Magic and its impact on the visiting and world. That's definitely true but I think we get enough if I'm being honest. The wizarding world, like the ministry of Magic, is a very self explanatory, working kind of thing. And if we were to go deeper into it, I think we would need a different kind of story that would go far. Deeper into the Ministry than we ever could have dreamt of going because it is a very much working like oh, you know that scene in the Destiny Hollows I think it's part one where Harry heroine Hermione break into the Ministry. They're trying to find the horsecracks, they're trying to find a locket. The scene where Harry goes into Embrace's office and he sees all the pamphlet workers that's exactly what I imagined the Ministry of Magic to be basically 90% of the time. Just you're doing your job and that's pretty much it. So the only possible spin off HBO TV show that I could possibly imagine would be, like an or themed TV show where either in the Harry Potter timeline or maybe in the future, maybe in the past, I would love to seen an or like catching dark wizards kind of criminal show and that's something that I would I mean put that on the list HBO, because I would have loved to see that. So that's number six and number seven is showed more of the Muggle world. The series mainly focuses on the wizarding world but it could have explored more of the muggles world and how it relates to the wizarding world. That is absolutely something I agree with. However, I do think we receive enough to guess. I don't think we need any more of the Muggle world, especially with the Dursley's being such a prevalent part of everything to do with the Muggle world. And again, the only really sensible route for including more Muggleness into the story would be a kind of undercover wizard going out into the world or something like that because that is really the only viable and in my opinion, interesting storyline that could show us the contrast between the wizarding and Muggle worlds. And finally, number eight had a more satisfying ending. Oh, wow. That is a juicy response. Some readers felt that the final book was rushed and left them unsatisfied with the conclusion of certain plotlines. Okay, that is a finishing with a bang, I think. I definitely find these, like, opinion based answers far more interesting because of course, just the statement of fact is, like, obvious. But these opinion based responses are very fascinating. And again, notice the phrasing. Some readers felt the final book was rushed. Some readers, not me, but some readers. It's definitely doing a good job of phrasing it so you know that it's not the AI's opinion, it is the opinion of others. This is kind of like a super search engine kind of that really pulls together answers from all around the world. So that is definitely fascinating. And I said we wouldn't go into this at all, but we did. But now to the answer that I originally wanted to do, which was what can Harry Potter, the character, have done better in the story? So let's input that real quick. All right, I just revised our revised response into what could Harry Potter, the character, have done better in the story? Okay, there we go. Now it is. Okay, now we're getting into the good stuff. It is producing responses that are talking about Harry in the story. All right, this is going to be very interesting. Now I'm going to see how many it goes over just so we can just kind of save for time because I want to get to a lot of other questions that I wrote. Okay, so it is currently developing. These questions were at number four. Number five is now being written. And there we go. It is. Wow. This is like pretty quick. Okay, number five. We have five responses here. That is a good number. So the question is, what could Harry Potter, the character, have done better in the story? And it has replied. So, number one, communicating with his friends and allies. Throughout the series, Harry struggles to share information and work collaboratively with his friends and other allies. He often keeps secrets and makes decisions on his own, which can lead to unnecessary conflicts and mistakes. That is absolutely true. And I think that if Harry did communicate more, he would perhaps be on a better path because again, I don't know where it might have been like a sports something or other, a sports T shirt that I saw someone wearing. But I read this really interesting quote that was like you rise fast if you work alone, but you go far if you work together. That's just the quote. And that's something that I think definitely applies here. Harry, we saw themes of Harry not wanting to involve others in his plans and his plots and his schemes, if you will, because he hates when other people die for him, but he doesn't really grasp, but that it's not for him and it is for the good of the world. And that is something that Harry has to come to terms with and something that he struggles to because he hates the fact that he is involved in it somehow. I think that is the fact that he is really stuck on that they are trying to protect him, but it is not for his own good. Of course, partly, but it is for the good of the world. And that is why he struggles with communicating his true thoughts and feelings and why sometimes I'm thinking especially of when he has moved from private traffic to the borough that his own care for his friends and his lack of communication with others leads to a difficult situation, say the least. So that's number one. Number two, trusting his own abilities. Harry tends to doubt himself in his abilities which can lead to him not reaching his full potential. He needs to have more confidence in himself and trust in his own power. That is spitting facts. That is spitting facts, my man. Look at that. Never going to say that again, but I agree. I definitely agree with this. And I think Harry should trust in his own abilities. However, I don't think this is as big a theme as a lack of communication because I think Harry does trust his own abilities. The problem is not that he doesn't trust his abilities, the problem is that he has too many abilities that sometimes are not in his favor. Such as, I think the one I am thinking of specifically is the in Harry has in Waldenmore's mind and he uses that to his advantage in a lot of situations. But for example, the Battle, the Order of the Phoenix, he's serious. And Voldemort is basically tricking Harry into coming to the Ministry without Harry having to see anything in his real life. It's just Voldemort just has to project something through their link and boom. And I think also Voldemort trying to find Harry, trying to see through his eyes and Harry's kind of seeing what Voldemort is doing. It's definitely a dangerous line and I think that is a situation in which Harry's abilities may not be so helpful. So that is number two. Now number three, not being so reckless. There you go. Harry often acts impulsively and without thinking which can put himself and others in danger. He needs to be more strategic and careful in his actions and think things through before acting. That is definitely true and that is absolutely one of his major problems. I think one of the things that I dislike about Harry, it is granted, a short list, but this is definitely towards the top, is that Harry doesn't think he doesn't really think things through. And I think if Harry, Ron and hermione were all combined into, like, one person, they would be perfect. But unfortunately, that's not exactly where we're at right here. And they all have different elements of a strength and that's why they work so well together. But unfortunately, it's not in the same person. And Harry lacks, I think, rather a more hermione skill, which is just being smart about decisions and making good decisions in general. And of course, he is not making horrible decisions, but he is blinded by emotion in multiple scenarios. I think the one I'm thinking about specifically is Godzrick's Hollow. He ignores the fact that perhaps Voldemort might guess that he would want to go there. And instead, I think whenever I see this scene, whenever I read this about Harry talking about how maybe there might be a horror crux there, he is really convincing himself he is not genuinely thinking that rollMORE almost died there. So naturally he is deeply connected emotionally to it. No, Harry knows that's false, hermione knows that's false but they're going there anyway because Harry wants to and that is a bad decision and it ends very badly. So we can see that sometimes Harry's blundering is not helpful and he is like in a game of chess his queen would be blundered in under ten moves guaranteed. Now that I say that that's true we see all every chess game Harry Ron play harry always is losing pieces left and right, left and right. Chess is the perfect game for Harry because her perfect game for Ron rather because Ron always wins against Harry. So that just proves my point even more that Harry does not make decision he does not think, he does not go into decision carefully enough and that is exactly one of the things that I think he should work on now. Number four being more forgiving. Okay, this is interesting. Harry holds grudges and is slow to forgive which can lead to animosity and mistrust among his friends and allies. He needs to be more understanding and open to forgiveness. I disagree. I definitely disagree in this scenario. I think he definitely is not the kind of person to not forgive easily because I think there may be maybe two scenarios in which I can think Harry Potter, Harry Potter where I think Harry should have perhaps been more forgiving. And those two scenarios are one with Dumbledore at the end of the Order of the Phoenix and two with Ron when Ron leaves in the Deathly Hollows and then he comes back. Those are the situations in which I think Harry Potter should be more forgiving. I keep saying Harry Potter. Harry should be more forgiving and those are the only two that jump out of me. I'm sure there's one more or two more but those are really it and they both have good explanations. I mean, well, Ron had the horror crux on and he was pushing Harry's buttons and exactly the way he thought Harry would jump at and of course Harry did. And I think at the end of the Order of the Phoenix, I definitely understand why Harry was being so angry at Dumbledore. And I think that's definitely because he is going through a lot, especially in the Order of the Phoenix with being completely cut off from the world and then being thrown into it again and not being allowed to do exactly the thing that he wants to, which is fight Voldemort and then finally being allowed to fight Voldemort and then realizing that it was all not exactly what he imagined. So I think it's definitely the worst possible situation for Harry and however, I do think it was a bit of an overreaction. So I think Harry should have just been mad, been saying Dumbledore like how could you have done this? Why did you do this? Why did you like, look, come on, man. But he didn't have to destroy the dumbledore's office. He didn't have to really get that angry. I think that was probably the one time where I don't think it is forgivable for him to go off like that, but those are the only two times. I don't think there's any other time that I can think of. Okay, now, finally, number five seeking help when needed. Yeah, Harry often tries to deal with problems on his own, which can lead to him being overwhelmed and unable to cope. He needs to be more open and seeking or to seeking help and supporting when needed. That is, of course, true, and I think that definitely goes hand in hand with the first one. The fifth one is really what I was thinking of with the first. And I think these two, number one and number five, go together very well, I think. The theme of Harry not communicating his issues and wanting to go off on his own is well, to say the least, it is problematic. And that is I mean, if harry was allowed to go on zone, there would have been, I mean, zero chance of his survival. So I think Harry going out with other people and being with Ron Hermione and having the help with the Order and having help with his friends. The better of the hogwarts I think that is one of the main reasons why Harry was so successful why the wisdom of world eventually came out on top but that is that for that section and we are nearing the end of the episode. But I think this is going to run a little longer because I have a lot more things to discuss. So let's move on. All right, there are two more questions that I want to ask this AI and they are two of my favorite. There are two that I've been looking forward to ever since I came up with this episode and I am thrilled. So the very first question that I want to ask is an outline for a potential Harry Potter book. The question is, what I wrote in the bar was give me an outline for a potential a Harry Potter book please. And I found being polite actually helps. So I just put please, you know, please, thank you, whatever, it works out. But I could put in potential in there because I said, give me an outline for the 8th Harry Potter book. And it just said there is no official 8th Harry Potter book. There is a continuation in The Curse Child but that is it. So I said potential and it didn't note it did give me an outline. I'm looking at the outline right now, but at the bottom it says, please note that this is a fictional scenario and there's not an official confirmation that there would be an 8th and that there would be any 8th Harry Potter book. And that I think is probably smart. They legally put that in there. So let's read this. Let's read this outline for an 8th Harry Potter book. And unfortunately it does not follow my requirement of right after the war. I would love to see that. But here is the outline. So the book would begin with Harry, Jenny, Hermione and Iran all being in their late thirty s and living on their own lives. They have lost touch with each other over the years and have moved on with their lives. The book would follow Harry as he is drawn back into the wizarding world when a new threat emerges. This threat is a mysterious organization that has been trying to take over the wizarding world. Harry would then have to seek help from his friends and allies, including Hermione and Ron, who would help him investigate this new threat. As they investigate, Harry and his friends would uncover a dark secret about the organization and its true purpose. They would also learn that the organization has been recruiting young witches and wizards and Harry would have to stop them from doing so. Along the way, Harry would have to face his own demons, including his past and his feelings of guilt and regret about his role in the previous war. The final showdown would take place at Hogwarts Not Familiar, where Harry and his friends would have to face off against the organization and its leader. Okay. The book would end with Harry and his friends finally defeating the organization and bringing peace to the wizarding world once again. So there. You have it. That is the 8th Harry Potter book. So get going, JK. Get going. I like this idea. I think the concept of this is definitely nice, but this is not the caliber of the Harry Potter story that we're really thinking of. I think this is very broad. It is that it should be much more detailed. There's very little that went into this. So I think I personally would not want to read this one because I think I mean, if it was a genuine Harry Potter book, I don't know, probably I would, but if it was, like, not Harry Ron Hermione, and if it was completely different characters written by a completely different person, I probably would avoid it. So, sorry, Chat GBT, but this one is actually not my favorite. But I do find it interesting that it did give me an outline for the book itself because I didn't think it would, but I think it's probably because I had to revise my response a little bit. So that is the first question I want to ask. And the final question that I knew I wanted to ask in the very beginning is asking about a Harry Potter joke. And this is something that I really want to look for, and I think I'm probably going to ask for a couple. So here we go. All right, I've put in the command. It is now thinking about it, it is gathering all the funniest Harry Potter content all around the world. Okay, there it goes. There it goes. I'm not looking at it. I'm going to wait for it to be finished. Okay, this is the joke. This is my first reaction. Why did Dumble door break up with Grindelwald? Because he was too much of a tunnel. Oh, my gosh. That was exactly as bad as I thought it would be. Why did Dumbledore break up with Brunoval? Because he was too much of a dark wizard. So bad because he was too much of a dark wizard. What does that even mean? Because that's not even a joke. How does that work? Because that's not a joke. That's just like a statement. Like, Dumbledore broke up with Grindelwald because Grindelwald was a dark wizard. Like, that is exactly what that joke is saying. Okay, all right. My expectations have been lowered. Wow. That's unfortunate for chat. JBT I'm sorry, Chat JBT, but I'm going to go ahead and ask for another here. Okay, I've asked for another. Let's see what it comes up with this time. Oh, my gosh. I'll be honest, I wasn't sure what I was expecting exactly, but I was certainly not expecting this. All right, here's another one. Again, I've not seen this before. Why did Harry Potter never get a parking ticket? Because he always apparated. Oh, my gosh. Now, this one I do like a little bit better than the previous one because I think it's more of a play on the concept of apparatus. He apparated. He didn't take his car. I was expecting, like, a broomstick joke in here, but wow. Okay, Kim, this one is a lot better than the first, I think, for sure, because it is much more I can think this is, like, entering the territory of a joke. This is not just a statement, but I think this is a statement, which is why it is horribly unfunny. So, again, no, I'm going to go ahead and give that one a thumbs down. Honestly, the best part of this is just enjoying how bad these all are, but okay, I'm asking for another one. Hopefully this one's better. I am hoping that this one is a lot better because first two. Okay. All right. Another one. Oh, no, this is a cross the road joke. Why did the Death Eater cross the road? This is a good one. Why did the Death Eater cross the road? To get to the Dark side. Wow. I laughed at that. Okay, okay. Now we're now we're getting somewhere. Now we are getting somewhere. Why should the Dead Eater cross the road? To get to the Dark side. You get it? Because the Dead Theater is on the dark side, and they're going to deduct. That was good. Yes. I think it's like learning. It's like getting its practice in. Okay. Okay. We are getting somewhere, folks. We are getting somewhere. This is this is going well. To the Dark Side. You see, like, that works. It's a plan of words. It's a joke that works. Yeah, this is a good one. That is a good one. Thank you. Chad GPT. Adding a couple more. I definitely want to get a couple more. I want to find, like, a good one. Okay, put another one. Let's see what it comes out with this song. Okay, I like that one. I liked the Death Theater one, so hopefully it comes up with one hopefully better, or at least about on, like, the same caliber as the Death Eater one. OK. All right. It has another one for me. Oh, it's a long one. Why did the Potion Master refuse to teach Harry how to make a love potion? Because he oh, wow. Okay. Because he didn't want to be responsible for any hermione situations. What? He didn't want to be responsible for any hermione I okay. What the heck? Okay, this is so weird. Okay, this is exactly what it is. Because he didn't want to be responsible for any and then in quotes, hermione in e situations. What? What? Am I just not getting the joke? Or is it just really bad because he didn't want to be responsible for any hermione Hermion? It's just like a plan. Okay. All right. This is quickly going downhill. I don't know. I have a feeling that's probably not a great joke. If you get it, can you tell me, please shoot me an email or a DM or something like that. I want to get that one. It might be like a statement of fact. The other one is like, hermione might fall in love. All right, moving on. Moving on from that one, let's ask another question. So put in another one. This is probably going to be the last one, and hopefully this one is good. Okay. There we go. There we go. Here it is. Why did Harry not like quidditch? Because it always made him feel like a snitch in the head. Oh, boy. Yeah. What a good end to this episode. Great. Okay. Well, thank you for joining me today. I very much enjoyed this episode. This was a fascinating discovery of AI and Harry Potter. I really enjoyed this. This might just go in the hall of Fame. So if you really enjoyed this episode, let me know. Maybe I'll do another one like it in the future. If you do not at all, let me know. Again, I won't do another one like this in the future. You can reach out to me over email. My email is the Potter That is the Potter You can also send me a DM. Like I was saying before, a DM on Instagram always works at the Potter discussion. My handle is again, at the Potter discussion. Of course, a review would always be appreciated if you would feel the need to do so. If you enjoyed the show. Five stars, of course, if you would, if the show is of that caliber. And that is essentially it a quick reminder that the quill and ink is coming out. It is now a weekly newsletter. So if you would like to receive weekly emails along with weekly podcast episodes about lovely Harry Potter content, go ahead and sign up for that. And when you sign up, you get a list of my favorite Harry Potter Easter eggs in the entire books and films. So go ahead and check that out. That link will be in the show, not just sign up for the quill and ink, but that is that for this episode. I want to thank you all for tuning in. And as always, remember that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. I will see you later.

This was The Potter Discussion.

Is Harry Potter a good person?
What could the story of Harry Potter have done better?
What could Harry Potter the character have done better in the story?
An outline for a potential 8th Harry Potter book.
Harry Potter jokes!