The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom

Magical Object Draft!

Sound Owl Media Episode 207

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In this listener submitted episode, we discuss what objects Harry and Voldemort would choose in an object draft. Enjoy!

·      2:12: The Elder Wand. Harry wouldn’t want it to use it, he just wouldn’t want Voldemort to have it. If Voldemort had been the true master, Harry wouldn’t have had a chance like Ollivander said. However, Voldemort put a lot of his energy into finding and killing the true master, so if he didn’t have the Elder Wand and didn’t worry about finding the master, he might be able to find Harry easier.

·      10:58 Bellatrix’s knife. This is the very same knife that Bellatrix used to kill Dobby, and that is exactly what Harry would want to stop from happening. He was enjoying life as a free elf, defending the innocent and helping his friends. He didn’t deserve to die and Harry knew that. On top of that, the rules of magic didn’t apply as much to him, so he could be a spy for Harry and get into places that Harry couldn’t.

·      15:39 The Sword of Gryffindor. Harry would choose the sword after the trade with Griphook. He wanted to have both the cup and the sword, but if it was a choice, the cup was the right one. But what could be better than having both. The sword is a surefire way of destroying horcruxes. Though it may be more difficult to get the horcruxes themselves than find a way to destroy them, having the sword and destroying them right when they find them would be the real prize.

·      20:27 The Marauder’s Map. This is a no-brainer. The map is literally a map to Harry’s location. He doesn’t have to send a bunch of Death Eater’s out to find him; all he has to do is give them a location and that’s that. Outside of Harry, he also knows the location of just about everyone else. He could use it to find the hunters of his horcruxes to see how close they get.

·      24:16 The Diadem of Ravenclaw. The destruction of his horcruxes are the main reason why he loses, so protecting them is a way to ensure victory. Though he might still lose the final duel and could be forced close to death like the first time he went after Harry, he would live to fight another day and plot his return.

·      26:44 The Sorting Hat. After he chose the two previous items, Voldemort would be pretty much set. If he has the map and the diadem, there is no chance that Harry could win. Choosing the sorting hat and destroying it in some symbolic way would be the icing on the cake for Voldemort, truly showing his triumph over Dumbledore and the rest of the Order.  

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