The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom

Flip the Script: Dumbledore doesn't know everything that goes on 'round here

Sound Owl Media Episode 226

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In this episode, we discuss what would change if Dumbledore wasn't as intelligent. Enjoy!

·      1:43 Harry would have died when he found the Sorcerer’s Stone. Dumbledore swooped in at the very last moment after realizing that he had received a fake message from the Ministry. Her passed Hermione and Ron and warded off Quirrell and Voldemort just in the nick of time. But if he wasn’t as smart, he wouldn’t have had that chance so Harry would have died.

·      7:10 Sirius would have been executed. The intense operation that saved him was carried out by Hermione and Harry but put in motion by Dumbledore. If he didn’t have the same intelligence, it wouldn’t have worked. It took a huge amount of planning and preparation that only an intelligent Dumbledore could have done, so there is no chance for Sirius to survive.

·      13:50 In the Order of the Phoenix, Harry almost goes to Azkaban. He is attacked by two dementors alongside Dudley in an underpass. However, he is underage and goes to trial. The trial goes smoothly and Dumbledore manages to get him out of any punishment. If Dumbledore wasn’t as able to defend him, Harry would have been charged, tried, and convicted. Listen to Breakdown: Fudge here.

·      19:13 He wouldn’t find and destroy horcruxes. However, it took a lot of planning and skill to find them. Dumbledore is the person who knows Voldemort the best and that’s why he can start looking for them and finding them, getting closer to defeating him. The absence of intelligence would mean Dumbledore wouldn’t look for the horcruxes and Voldemort would surely win.

·      23:00 Dumbledore would have lived past the Half-Blood Prince. The reason why Dumbledore was dying was he had touched the ring which was a horcrux and he became cursed. Snape gave him a year to live, so Dumbledore decided to use it to his advantage. However we just discussed that Dumbledore wouldn’t go looking for the horcruxes if he was less smart, so he wouldn’t be cursed. And further, he wouldn’t be able to recognize that his death at Snape’s hand would be infinitely more valuable than his staying alive. 

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