The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom

What Makes Hogwarts Hogwarts? | The sorting hat, quidditch, horrible events, More

Episode 229

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In this episode, we discuss what things and places make Hogwarts what we know it to be. Enjoy!

·      1:44 The Owlrey. This is one of the most British wizarding systems thing there is at Hogwarts. They use owls to send messages and the Owlery is where the owls live. It is the boundary between the Muggle and wizarding world, and is made all the more magical because it can also be found in the Muggle world. 

·      8:11 The great hall and the sorting hat. These two things are very symbolic of Hogwarts. When Bellatrix runs through the castle in the sixth book she destroys the great hall. The sorting hat was the beginning of everyone’s journey at Hogwarts, but it was also the end when Neville pulled the sword out of the hat. The final duel between Harry and Voldemort took place in the great hall.

·      14:25 The moving staircases and the moving portraits. Without these, would moving around in Hogwarts be the same? No. The moving staircases don’t seem that important, but they act as the symbolic bridge between the beginning and end of the story. The portraits are the nod to the readers and students that even when a character dies, they may live on in a portrait like Dumbledore.

·      21:40 Quidditch. This is one of the most important parts of the castle. They are side by side for the entire story, and the quidditch pitch is where Harry found his passion. Hogwarts wouldn’t be even close to the same without this magical sport. Much of the story occurs around quidditch like when Quirrell tries to curse Harry off his broom or when Cedric catches the snitch in the storm and tries to give it back. It is important to every member of the magical world, especially in Hogwarts.

·      26:40 Deadly events. Without all the opened chambers, horrible creatures on the lose, spies, imposters, double crosses, and Death Eaters, would Hogwarts be the same?

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