The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom

Parallel Characters in Harry Potter from Fantastic Beasts! | Snape, Neville, Dumbledore, More

Sound Owl Media Episode 243

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In this episode, we discuss parallel characters from Harry Potter in Fantastic Beasts. Enjoy!

·      1:57 Newt and Dumbledore. But isn’t Dumbledore also in Fantastic Beasts? Yes, but they actually aren’t as similar as Newt is to the Dumbledore in Harry Potter. They both have a simple outlook on life. Dumbledore has had over one hundred years to look back and understand the world. Newt doesn’t care what others think of him which frees him to be his own person, just like Dumbledore.

·      10:07 Snape and Queenie. Both of them are loose with their choice of side. Snape is fighting for both Dumbledore and Voldemort, and Queenie switches sides to Grindelwald. However, the thing that makes them so similar is love. Both of them are fighting for love, and switch sides for the same reason. 

·      15:58 Neville and Jacob. This is one of the strongest parallels. The reason they are so similar is because of their character arcs. Both start out as finding their footing, not really being a great help to their side. Eventually, they find their place in the world and rise above to a position of strength and power.

·      22:29 Leta and Draco. This is perhaps a bit more obscure, but there are certainly similarities. Both are outcasts and have a shaky place in their families. They don’t really have anyone who they can completely trust and confide in, and they are consistently feeling down. The cherry on top is the end of their arcs. Both stand up to their oppressors and fight against evil.

·      26:24 Theseus and Percy. Both are older brothers and have careers which they care for very much. They both feel like they have to set an example and be the responsible older brother. They also both fight with their families and aren’t always on great terms all the time, but in the end, they both set aside their differences and realize that fighting evil is more important than a spat.

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